Frequently Asked Questions about Scholarships

How do I apply for scholarships at East Carolina University?

There are several ways a student is awarded a scholarship at East Carolina University. Find information about our on-line application portal and visit the ECUAWard portal. This site lists our opportunities with short descriptions of each opportunity including the eligibility requirements. Additional information may also be located on the individual webpages of the college / department that is responsible for making the scholarship awards.

Some scholarships are available campus-wide regardless of major (Example: ECU Alumni Association and Student Affairs scholarships) while others may be very specific in nature and earmarked for a single major. Students are encouraged to visit webpages of their respective college / departments to learn the process for their major and make sure they have the most current and accurate information.

Who at East Carolina University offers scholarships?

Many of the colleges, departments, and schools at ECU award scholarships. For information on your specific major and opportunities that might be available, always check the on-line portal, ECUAWard, AND your department and/or college’s web page.

Are there scholarships for out-of-state students that attend East Carolina University?

Yes. Many of our scholarship opportunities are open to both in-state and out-of-state students.

How often should I apply for scholarships at East Carolina University?

ECU holds a scholarship cycle each academic year. Applications are typically filed starting August 1. Depending on the opportunity, deadlines can range from November (Honors College) – January 15 (for most other programs). Information relative to opening and closing dates can be found in the opportunity description within the Scholarship Portal, ECUAWard. Students can make application after acceptance at the university (new students) and at any time each fall (existing students).

What are the eligibility requirements to receive a scholarship at East Carolina University?

Scholarships are set up by generous donors who fund the scholarships. Donors may specify criteria for the funds they donate. The GPA required for eligibility can vary. Some scholarships are based on state and county residency. Some scholarships are based on academic performance. Others may require the student to meet financial need requirements. Please refer to the ECUAWard portal for a listing of scholarship descriptions and criteria.

What is the value of the scholarships offered by East Carolina University?

This depends on the terms of the scholarship agreement and current market conditions. Most awards are between $500 and $5000 but some may be for other amounts. Funding availability is subject to change each year.

Why did I not get awarded a scholarship from East Carolina University?

The competition for scholarships is intense. Scholarships are usually available only to the most outstanding new freshmen and continuing students. Note there are far more students attending ECU than the number of scholarships available on our campus.

How and when will I be notified if I was selected for a scholarship from East Carolina University?

This depends on the type of scholarship you are awarded. For scholarships offered by the programs on our Scholarship portal – notice is sent beginning in late February through the end of March via the applicant’s ECU email account.

How can I “see” my East Carolina University Scholarship award?

Once a scholarship is awarded to an ECU student, information is forwarded to Financial Aid for posting to the student’s account. Depending on the volume of work being processed in both the awarding department and Financial Aid, the award may take a little while to post. Continue watching for the award on your student account in your Pirate Port / Banner Self Service / Financial Aid.

Why has the money not paid to my account at East Carolina University?

Scholarships are processed and posted by Financial Aid in the order they are received. However, it may take a little while for the scholarship award to be processed and show in the student’s Banner award information. Please allow time for the process to flow. If you continue to have issues and, if the start of the semester is approaching, contact the Office of University Scholarships or email Financial Aid to determine the status of the award.

Are East Carolina University scholarships automatically renewed each year?

The answer depends on the paperwork that accompanied your original award. Some scholarships are specifically one-year awards while others have the option of being renewed based on the student continuing to meet satisfactory academic progress. Pay careful attention to your award notice to better understand whether your scholarship will extend beyond the initial year.

Why did I not receive the same scholarship as last year from East Carolina University?

Each year, new scholarships are created while a few may become inactive due to lack of funding. Based on your original award letter, you may or may not be eligible in future years.

Some scholarships are for freshmen only and a new recipient is named each year. Many scholarships require a student to meet certain criteria to continue receiving or, in some cases, to reapply to be considered for future years. Still other scholarships are automatically renewed.
Stay in contact with the awarding authority regarding eligibility and renewal procedures.

Are East Carolina University scholarships available for an individual semester of study?

University scholarships are typically awarded for the academic year. Very few are awarded for fall or spring semester only. There are exceptions though so if you have specific questions, contact the administrative office within the college of your major to learn more about their specific scholarships.

I am graduating after fall semester; may I have the full amount in the fall?

Again, like the answer above, it depends on the scholarship. Some are able to be awarded all in one semester and others are not. Contact the administrative office within the college of your major to ask if it is possible to receive all your funds in one semester.

How do scholarship funds work?

Scholarship funds are posted against a student’s account to settle any charges at the university (Example: tuition, fees, room & board, meal plan). When the student’s account is paid in full, any excess scholarship funds are refunded to the student.

I received a scholarship from an agency outside the university, where should it be sent?

Outside scholarship checks should be sent to the Cashier’s Office, G120 Old Cafeteria Complex, Mail Stop 230, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858.

When possible, please send the check prior to August 01, for fall semester and December 01, for the spring semester. This will allow processing time for funds to be available the first day of classes.

Make sure the student’s information accompanies the check. Inclusion of the student’s name and identification (Banner ID) number (Example: B00xxxxxx) will ensure faster and accurate processing to the student’s account.

Why is my outside scholarship split between fall and spring?

Outside scholarships are automatically split between fall and spring semester unless the Cashier’s Office is instructed otherwise. Our intent is to help the student throughout the academic year. If an outside scholarship is for a single semester only, please include information with the check to indicate that disbursement pattern. (Example: This check is for fall semester. or This check is for the full academic year.)

How do I request a reference for either an East Carolina University Scholarship or an external scholarship opportunity?

First, make sure you know when the letter is due. Identify who might be available to write your reference letter and make sure they are willing to write your letter. The reference writer may need resume of your information/achievements to help with writing the letter along with instructions on how to submit the letter. Remember to thank the individual for working on your behalf.

Reference requests on the ECUAWard portal simply require the student to enter the name and email address of the reference provider. The system will then send a notice to the provider with instructions for writing the reference and submission via an electronic link.

Should I pay someone to find a scholarship for me?

No. There are many scholarship search engines available. Most information you pay for can be found free of charge.

My scholarship application requires a verification of admissions – where do I get one?

Most applications will accept a copy of the student’s acceptance letter from the university. If something more is required, please contact the Admissions Office (252-328-6640, physical location: 106 Whichard Building or by email at:

My scholarship application or award requires a verification of enrollment – where do I get one?

If a student receives a scholarship from outside the university and it requires a verification of enrollment, please contact the Registrar’s Office (physical location: Uptown 207 / email address: to get the proper documentation. The form to request the information can be found  in the Enrollment Verification Form (PDF).

My scholarship application or award requires an academic transcript – where can I get one?

If a student applies for and/or receives a scholarship from outside the university that requires an academic transcript, please contact the Registrar’s Office (physical address: Uptown 207 / email address: or to obtain the transcript. Transcripts can also be ordered online but make sure you have time to order and have delivered before any posted deadlines for your scholarship.

What information does the university need about my outside scholarships?

The more information you can provide the university about outside scholarship awards the better. Inside your acceptance package there is a form from the Office of Student Financial Aid titled “Additional Aid and Other Resources Information” that should be completed for outside awards. This information is then updated to your profile, so that the Financial Aid and Cashier Offices are aware that outside funding is due.

Existing students that receive outside funding should also complete this same form each year so their records reflect pending funding.

The form can be found on the Office of Student Financial Aid under the tab “Forms and Publications”.

Where can I direct questions about scholarships available at East Carolina University?

Summer Martinez Edwards
Director of University Scholarships
G210 Old Cafeteria Complex
252-737-2102 (fax)
ECUAWard Portal

Mail: Office of University Scholarships, ECU, Mail Stop 184, Greenville, NC 27858